On to the tutorial:
Step 1: Codex Grey highlights for black cloth and boots. Basecoat leather straps in Bestial Brown, skin in Gnarloc Green.
Step 2: Highlight skin with 3:1 mix Gnarloc Green to Bleached Bone.
Step 3: Basecoat teeth, fingernails, straps, pouches in Khemri Brown.
Step 4: Chainmail for metal.

Step 5: Devlan Mud wash over entire model.
Step 6: Stipple Mithril Silver on metal. Highlight teeth, fingernails, stitching with Bleached Bone.
Step 7: Watered down Solar Macharius Orange is applied to create rust effects. Gryphonne Sepia is applied to a few places where the rust is once the Macharius Orange is dry.
Step 8: Paint the eyes Blood Red. Seal the model and base to your preference.

And there you have it, one more Ork Boy for the gathering Waaaagh! Let me know how the tutorial worked for you.
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